Seach Tool to find your old school alumni and old class mates and Class Reunion and Class Mates Searching Tool
Bought To You By The Nice People At The People History

Class Mate and Class Reunion Searcher

Currently The Class Reunion Website Database Is being Rebuilt To Be Bigger And Better Check Back in a few weeks

Tips For Use:
1. Always try using your school name first with the word Alumni or Reunion because many schools have a single alumni site for all years or a special reunion section for reunions.
2. If the name of your school is fairly common add the City.
3. Remember only the sites we have included in our database will be included in the results.
Example 1: Central High School Alumni Little Rock ---- Example 2: Billings Senior High Reunion 1955

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Our custom search tool to find genuine and real alumni and class reunion sites run by old school members in use by class mates from around the world. The database behind the search tool will consist of over 10,000 hand checked sites run by real people. Unlike many other sites who offer this tool we do not require registration or login or any of that bullshit most of these sites require. Please pass this tool on to as many others as possible. If we have not included your school, college or University please use the contact form on The People History
If you can not find your High School or other Reuinion Site here try these few tips.
1. Try a very tightly defined search query in Google using Name Of School, City, Reunion or Alumni EG Central High School Alumni/ Reunion Little Rock and maybe add the year as well.
2. Do a search for your old school who often have links to Alumni and Class Reunions.
3. Register for Reunion . Com or Classmates . com who both have massive databases of members but do require registration.
If After trying all the above and still no joy think about creating your own Reunion or Alumni Site for your old school. There are a number of options available including setting up a free blog with Wordpress or Blogger and a new generation of sites who provide great tools and free websites to create your own Reunion / Alumni Site with lots of facilities. Be carful of some of them they may well plaster advertising all over the hard work you have created
( My personal favorite is a site called ClassCreator . Com who will provide your class reunion site completely free if you do not want your own domain name like but last time I checked
Classcreator offer your own domain and hosting for 12 months for less than $30.00 to register the domain and have them host it for a year )

This Is still a work in progress with some school class years having up to 150 added but others with none. Our target is to have a database of 4,000 to 5,000 by the end of September and 10,000 by the end of October.
This tool was a response by The People History to an attempt by my wife and I trying to find old class mates and being forced to register with sites who did not actually help and just ending up with dozens of e-mails everyday Our time at school, college or University is an important part of our history, and as we gain in years it is nice to keep in contact with long lost friends, we hope that by providing this tool our visitors can find friends from their formative years to share memories from those important years in their lives
Please use The People History Main Contact for feedback , or for a site to be added to our database for the time being until we get something better in place Contact Us